1. JERS-1 and OPS Specifications and Characteristics

The specifications and characteristics of JERS-1 and OPS are in the following tables.

Dimensions Bus body: approx 1m x 1.8m x 3.1m Box_shape
SAR Antenna: approx 12m x 2.5m
Solar Cell Paddle: approx 8m x 3.4m
Weight approx 1.4 tons
Attitude and Orbit
Control Subsystem
3-Axis Attitude/Zero-momentum System
Design Life 2 years
Launch Vehicle H-1 Launch Vehicle
Launch Site

    Tanegashima Space Center

Launched Date Feburary 11, 1992
Orbit Sort of orbit Sun Synchronous
Subrecurrent Orbit
Altitude approx 570km
Orbit inclination approx 98 degree
Period approx 96 minutes
Recurrent period 44 days
Local time at descending node a.m.10:30`a.m.11:00

JERS-1 is equipped with following instruments exclusively for
transmitting and recording observed data.

Parameters of transmission and recording equipements

Mission Data Transmitter
Carrier Frequency 8GHz Bands, 2 channels
Moduration QPSK
Power amplifier TWT(Helix type)
Antenna type Shaped reflector beam antenna
Mission Data Recorder
Recording data rate 30Mbps x 2ch
Recording Time 20 minutes

OPS major characteristics

OPtical Sensor
Swath 75km
Resolution 18m x 24m
Number of
3 visible and near infrared bands
1 stereo-viewing band
4 shortwave infrared bands

2. Reflectance characteristics of Minerals

The relation between the reflectance of minerals and the wavelength range of each short wave infrared(SWIR) bands are shown in the following figure.


The JERS-1 OPS band configuration and their effectiveness in mineral
classification with SWIR relative reflectance pattern.

3. OPS Images

An OPS Image shown below, is from typical altered zone, which is processed and analyzed by ERSDAC.
(Click the JPEGimage, then expand to GIF:903x900pixels, 1168kB)


JERS-1, OPS ratio compressed image(BGR=6/8, 2/1, 3/5).
Observation Date: October 9, 1992 Path 534-Row 239
Beatty, Nevada, USA.

The area high-lighted in yellow with ratio compressed, indicate
possibly containing gold-silver deposits in the Tertiary clastic rocks.
(central part of the image)

4. Areal Coverage of OPS Observations

The areas covered by OPS obserations, are shown in green area of following chart. RANGE SHOT BY JERS-1 OPS.
